Posted by Saturday, October 24, 2015

Parents don't be scared of social media!

I have now lived in 3 states but I am only discussing 2 in this post.  In Alabama EVERYONE seemed to be using social media and all types of social media.  I don't recall parents being afraid of social media.

Now Texas or at least the area of TX that I find myself in seems to be terrified of social media.  I have heard on more than one occasion parents state that they are not on social media and they refuse to use social media.

I wonder if they actually hear what is coming out of their mouth when they say that.  Do they fully understand what they are doing?

If they are afraid and/or refuse to use social media how do they plan to keep track of their kids who are going to be using social media if they don't already.  Even if their parents ban them from social media I promise you that they have an account somewhere.  How are they going to make sure that their kids are safe if they don't understand how to use it?  How are they going to keep up and stay relevant with their children if they refuse to embrace the "new" way of communicating?

It is in my opinion that these types of parents are being very short sighted. Some educational visionaries believe that teachers are missing the boat by not teaching students using the apps and devices that have become their precious.

I find myself in a unique situation frequently with large numbers of students where I get to ask questions that honestly the school should be asking to be able to better teach their population.  I love asking them questions about what they are doing, why they are doing it and how do they think that it could be done better.  They all jump on that last one and absolutely come alive giving me their thoughts.

Students today consider FB a social media app for their parents.  Technology is changing at the speed of light and if you choose not to get on board you will be left behind.

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